Reviews of albums released on: Hydra Head/Daymare

2 total reviews


Hydra Head/Daymare (2007)

As unbelievable as it may sound Lifeline is Jesu's fifth (and possibly the sixth if Robotic Empire gets the split with Battle of Mice out before the end of 2007) release of the year and comes right on the heals of the Pale Sketches record. With all of this activity and music released in one year, I have two thoughts: … Read more


Clean Hands Go Foul
Hydra Head/Daymare (2009)

Talk about the last gasp of air from a dead corpse, Clean Hands Go Foul is the final studio recordings from Khanate, and their third studio full-length (if one counts Capture & Release as an EP) that the band released. Honestly, it is a surprise to see this as the band broke up quite a while ago; but it is … Read more