The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower are a daring young band from California. The band comes together in a whirlwind of jazz, hardcore, and indie. Noisy guitars, jazzy saxophones, and vocals on the edge of screaming make up the Plot's signature sound. I had been anticipating this album a great deal, and I was anything but disappointing. They … Read more
I had heard one song before getting the whole album so I kind of knew what to expect from the band. A good punk/rock type sound mixed with avant-garde jazz complete with saxophone and trumpet. From the intro track with the female voice, I was captivated. This record will have you dancing your ass off one second and break into … Read more
This band was supposed to play at a show I went to a while back, but something came up. I hadn't really heard anything about them so I shrugged it off. It's a shame I did. I really wish I had gotten that opportunity because it wouldn't have taken me so long to find out about this awesome, new band. … Read more
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