I know this band is something-core; I am just not sure which one. With song titles like "Love To Hate, Hate To Me", "The Shooting Star That Destroyed Us All" and "A Song for a Broken Heart", you almost know what to expect. It's got the high-powered crunching guitars, tantrum screams, and wait, what's this? An emotional breakdown with twinkly … Read more
The most fun thing I found with this CD were the song titles. The music itself combines "emo", metalcore, and pop to make something that is radio friendly and "edgy" at the same time. My favorite part about the music is the screaming, but it gets destroyed by the whiney backups that quickly become an ear sore. I don't like … Read more
Tolerable but tossable. This CD is filled with that modern hardcore edge mixed with pop melodies that the kids are going nuts about these days. This is nothing new in anyway, but it does have a few catchy songs. The background singers are sub-par, while the frontman pulls off some decent screams most of the time. If you're a fan … Read more
Sometimes a record comes along that just floors me and it's hard to find words to put to paper. I've had a couple of records do this to me lately and Dead Hearts most recent effort, Bitter Verses, is one of them. If I had to choose three words, and three words only, to describe this release, they would be … Read more
So you know how a band will take something that they wrote that does really well with the fans and expand on it? The Offspring, for example, found out that by writing a "witty" punk rock song they could sell lots of albums. On Every Time I Die's last album Hot Damn!, that song was, "I've Been Gone a Long … Read more
Every Time I Die has always been one of those bands that I thought were absolutely wretched. Surprise, nothing has changed. Songs like "I Been Gone A Long Time", feature some of the most terrible singing I have ever heard. With it's hardcore meets rock and roll feel that feels like Scissorfight at times, only twelve times worse. His vocals … Read more
It's a rare thing when the title of a band's record suits that record perfectly, but Every Time I Die has managed to do this. Once you peel off the slip case to reveal the liners littered with photos of two girls kissing, you very may well be saying "Hot damn!" Picking up where Last Night in Town left off … Read more
In metal circles, In Flames need little introduction, if any at all. The once vaunted band was at the forefront of the "New Wave of Swedish Death Metal" invasion that produced masterpieces like Jester's Race, Whoracle, and Colony. The band has been on somewhat of a decline over the last several albums, culminating in the critically panned, ill received nu-metal … Read more
The Banner is the last great hope for Ferret Music since Dead Hearts broke up recently. I mean would you look at Ferret's current roster. They have two of the worst bands ever created in The Hotness and Foxy Shazam. Madball and Poison the Well haven't put on decent albums in nearly a decade. That leaves us with Misery Signals … Read more
Now, I can't claim to know much about this band. I don't know what they are ex-members of or where they're from, but I do know this... this record bored me to no end. It kicks off kind of promising, actually. The opening track, "Heart Attack American", starts off with hushed guitar and drums, and then just explodes into a … Read more
There once was a time where Zao were a great Christian metalcore that stood out among their peers. Back in the 90's, they created a signature sound with powerful screams, raw guitars, and clean sung choruses. Unfortunately, this sound has been bastardized by tons of other metalcore bands that have spawned since that time. It's been ten years since Liberate … Read more
The Fear is What Keeps Us Here is the umpteenth full-length from this chaotic and erratic off and on metalcore act. The fact that they are still producing albums boggles my mind. I have always considered this band to be a guilty pleasure (in part anyway). That last album The Funeral of God was an awful example of what they … Read more
Some would call Zao the musical embodiment of a soap opera. Even in their early years, they went through two lead vocalists and countless other band members. Their defining moments, however, were when vocalist Dan Weyandt entered the band and recorded Where Blood & Fire Bring Rest, Liberate Te Ex Inferis, Self-Titled, and Parade of Chaos. The drama didn't end … Read more
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