It would be easy for the uninitiated to dismiss Frenzal Rhomb and throw them into the bucket of playful pop-punk epigones from Australia. While their sound does incorporate the key ingredients of what makes the likes of The Offspring, Bad Religion, NOFX and Blink 182 appealing and palatable, all of which they have toured with, it is the mélange of … Read more
Oddly enough, this album doesn't start off with a 30 second sound clip. That being said, the album blasts off immediately with pure hardcore fury. For those not familiar with the band, do not let this description repel you. These guys belt out their hardcore with a fresh dose of pop-punk and melodic, yet abrasive vocals. In fact, their style, … Read more
The opening of My Republic could easily be mistaken for the opening to just about any guitar based album from the past 30 years, with quietly plucked single notes pushing along for a moment or two. It is only as "Out of Mind" explodes into the best Bad Religion song since Mr. Brett left the band for the first time … Read more
Peace in Our Time is an album that seemed like it was never going to be released. Good Riddance's breakup in 2007 appeared to be final. Younger listeners such as myself, who discovered the band around this time, had to come to terms with never hearing new music from the band nor having the opportunity to see them perform live. … Read more
Good Riddance has always been just another one of those "Fat" bands that started in the early 90's and put out album after album well into the next decade. I never was into Good Riddance past their first album God and Country and really haven't paid them any attention since Dave Wagenschutz stopped drumming for them. Anyway, Good Riddance decides … Read more
Punk rock veterans, Lagwagon, had been missing from the scene for quite some time. Sure, they had a tour here and there as well as reissues of their 90s classics, but it's been years since we've heard some fresh new music from the band. They released an EP in 2008, but most of that material had previously already been featured … Read more
Closing in on twenty years as a band, Lagwagon presents us with new songs, perhaps aiming to revive that nearly defunct Fat/Epitaph sound. Having grown up on this band, I was giddy to hear they were releasing new material for the first time since 2005's Resolve, but found myself bummed after learning it was only an eight-song EP. Couple this … Read more
Have you ever bought a split record that made absolutely no sense because the two bands sharing a disc sound nothing alike? As illogical a notion as it is, this phenomenon happens more often than you would think. Anyone remember those two splits The Lawrence Arms did with the Chinkees and Shady View Terrace? Yeahââ¬Â¦ But that is not the … Read more
This is the third album from MakeWar and they have their sound pinned down. I mean that, in the best way possible, A Paradoxical Theory Of Change is exactly what you want from the band. I also note it because, as it’s my third time review them, I’m trying not to repeat myself. This album introduces a new drummer, Alejandro … Read more
MakeWar aren’t like most of the other punk bands out there. They play what I call midtempo punk. It’s not built on anthems, choruses or super-fast into-the-pit adrenaline. Get It Together isn’t about fist-in-the-air release, it’s about built-up tension. The band is actively calling for people to (ahem) Get. It. Together. The tone is one of frustration and marginalization, but … Read more
I haven’t met a person yet who doesn’t like Masked Intruder, and I prefer to keep it that way. However, despite everyone being completely in love with them, they manage to still remain mysterious. I’m sure everyone has asked themselves these questions before about Masked Intruder: How long are they gonna keep up the gimmick? Are all their songs gonna … Read more
Well they’re back with a vengeance, the punk supergroup coverband known as Me First and the Gimme Gimmes with the release of their eighth album the Australian tinged EP entitled – Go Down Under. For a band that started out as a side project for fun these guys have worked up a great formula. Take the cheesy pop songs and … Read more
We've all been to parties where there's always one guy. One drunk asshole to pooch the proceedings. Either he's slobbering all over you, back slaps and all regaling everyone with tales of how much he loves you, or giving you the drunken skunk-eye from across the room quietly seething and simmering in his jack n' coke with hatred for you … Read more
For how active a band Night Birds is, they still only have one studio full-length to their name. Instead of releasing the long-players, the band has focused on short-form EPs and Maimed for the Masses, on Fat Wreck Chords, is yet another to add to the band’s discography. This one has four songs, notably the opening title track. It doesn’t … Read more
It’s getting tough to find new things to say about Night Birds. They’re as great as ever with third LP Mutiny at Muscle Beach, it’s just that the sound hasn’t changed all that dramatically from day one. Album #3 is supposed to be when they go all avant on us.Their career has filled out nicely, with textural differences and a … Read more
Roll Credits is an 8-song “mini-album” homage to the classics. Night Birds--the now veteran band of 10 years--says it was made thinking of short-play classics like Negative Approach’s Tied Down and Minor Threat’s Out of Step. Short, fast, loud.It’s a good starting point for their approach, but first, more about the release. In addition to being a 12” EP, Fat … Read more
I'm sitting here drinking a beer to wash down a turkey melt I just made with my George Foreman Grill. Jason Kubel just hit a home run against the Brewers to tie up the game in the bottom of the fifth. The sun is shining, I'm wearing shorts, and there's a fan blowing in the corner. It's not officially summer … Read more
I harbour a weak spot for No Use for a Name, a band that eventually became a melodic pop-punk band that landed on Fat Wreck records.What not too many contemporary and younger fans devotees would be aware of, is the fact that No Use for a Name evolved from having started as a much rawer hardcore outfit in the late … Read more
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