How the hell do you take a genre as overworked as pop music and make it interesting? If your name happens to be Jonathan Bates, then you do this “by purposefully doing everything slightly wrong.” The result is his debut album, Big Black Delta's BBDLP1.This stems mainly from Bates's insistence on mixing styles in ways that don't always make sense. … Read more
I've always been interested in the correlation between hardcore and indie pop or folk music. Hrishikesh Hirway, playing under the moniker of The One AM Radio, has released numerous albums with Level-Plane, a label known mostly for their work with screamo and hardcore bands. Brandon Peck, singer of great hardcore band Wow, Owls! and now the soon to be great … Read more
Los Angeles by way of Boston by way of Miami by way of Venezuela, Mellowdrone return with a second full-length recording in a career that now spans ten years. While the first five years saw Mellowdrone remarkably productive as a solo venture releasing a series of EP's, it took a while to produce the first long player. The now trio … Read more
If I told you that Skyscraper Frontier was another band out of L.A. playing an 'eclectic' mixture of songs, you'd probably get that glazed look in your eyes and change the subject. You've heard it all before. But what if I told you that this six-track EP really was eclectic? Beginning with "I Just Need You," we get ambient 80's … Read more
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