There is no doubt in the sincerity of Toby Morse's declaration that H2O have nothing to prove. And while their canon of endlessly catchy and inspiring melodic hardcore songs speaks for itself, their return has generated intense speculation about whether we're getting an album of melodic New York hardcore or poppier leaning tunes a la Go. While I've never fully … Read more
From the get-go Have Heart has had a rabid and devoted following. Beginning with their demo in 2003 and What Counts EP a year later, the band's dynamic mixture of youth-crew and metallic hardcore won over fans around the globe. With their debut full-length, The Things We Carry vocalist Pat Flynn and company launched themselves to the forefront of the … Read more
It seems that in the current day and age the process of starting a hardcore band has become an act of great ease as compared to, oh let's say, five years ago. Listen close to the first ten Revelation releases, rip off the riffs and place them just right, (don't forget your dive-bombs!) grab all your friends together to record … Read more
Hardcore is serious business well most of the time. Mixed amongst those pushing forth ideas concerning local and world issues are those out to have fun, usually in the form of some kind of joke. Jokes/gimmicks like these tend to last only a short time and the initial response is rather intense but quickly fades away. A few examples from … Read more
Iron Chic are back with their first new music since their split with Pacer. For some, a couple years isn't long, but waiting for new Iron Chic is like waiting for a ride at Disneyland. As soon as you finish the thrill of one, you're automatically anxious to get in line for another, and the wait is unbearable. No matter … Read more
Since their inception, Iron Chic have had a steady rotation through out the years through my speakers and a special place in my heart. Following their full length debut, I was ready to have another album. It's finally arrived in the form of The Constant One, and it does not disappoint. Any fan of this band are going to find … Read more
If ever a band was created for an epic singalong, it was Iron Chic. There’s that big feeling at the core of their soaring melodies as they build and rage, starting with a verse from Jason Lubrano and building to a gang singalong at the chorus in nearly every song. They’re songs that transcend the performers, taking on the personality … Read more
You know, I could sit here and lie to you about how there are certain artists that are doing something important and/or completely original. Why not? I mean most people who review albums for other websites do. I could do that, but it wouldn't really matter 'cause the people who will read this probably won't care anyway. Mental comes from … Read more
Temporarily free agents of the scene, New Found Glory found themselves in a position few established bands have. They could record whatever they wanted whenever they wanted and have it released by whoever would. Other acts with multi-albums contracts often have a two-year time window for their next album with a marketing representative hassling the band for a hit making … Read more
I don't know exactly when it happened - it was probably in the 90's- but you don't need to be from New York anymore to sound like a NYHC band. You could be from such sun-drenched locales like Florida and California. You could even talk about the tough streets in Tokyo, Japan or Umea, Sweden. You don't need to be … Read more
The first time I saw Outbreak was at the "last" Suicide File show at the ICC Church in Boston during the baseball playoffs of '03. I had no clue whom Outbreak was except the fact that they were from Maine of all places and the kids went absolutely ape shit for them. After that show they were quickly signed to … Read more
I hate to be that guy, but I got to admit that it's getting more and more difficult to find an impressive hardcore album these days. I'm not talking about that record you listen to several times, really rock out to during the first week, rag on your friends for having never heard of it, and then retire it to … Read more
During the late 90's there occurred a revival of the youth crew sound that had dominated the hardcore scene during the mid-80's up through the early 90's. Today, we are witnessing what I consider to be a revival of the mid-90's metallic hardcore scene. A significant number of bands are stating influence from the likes of Earth Crisis, Integrity, Undertow, … Read more
At first listen, Panic seems like your stereotypical Bridge Nine band. In a way they are, and in a way they aren't. But I'll get to that in a second. Strength in Solitude is a comprehensive look at everything the band produced in its first two years as a band (2000-2002). This includes the out-of-print Dying For It EP (2001) … Read more
Polar Bear Club is essentially the musical version of the story, The Little Engine that Could. Here we have a band, that started out merely four years ago, playing shows wherever they could when the mood struck them to do so. With their debut EP, there was great promise; everyone that heard it realized it. But it really didn't click … Read more
Clash Battle Guilt Pride is Polar Bear Club’s third release and second on Bridge Nine. The veteran band sets their tone early with “Pawner,” a sparse, sprawling song with big hitting moments where vocalist Jimmy Stadt runs the gamut of emotions. While the tempo lulls are a bit under spoken for the heavy-minded group, the emotive bursts of “I gotta … Read more
"I'm as straight as the line that you sniff up your nose / I'm as hard as the booze that you swill down your throat / I'm as bad as the shit you breathe into your lungs / And I'll fuck you up as fast as the pill on your tongue / STRAIGHT EDGE REVENGE!" Oh. Fuck. Yes. There's no … Read more
With Hell is Empty Ruiner return with one scathing, vicious, and beautiful album. It was worth the two year wait that fans endured between this Prepare to be Let Down. What Ruiner had developed on Prepare to be Let Down has been greatly expanded upon on Hell is Empty. The songwriting is much more dynamic, and J. Robbins' organic production … Read more
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