It might say something for my enthusiasm for this record that it has sat for almost a year in my 'to review' pile since first receiving it. While I do attempt to avoid at least complete bias in my reviews, in the case of Florida's Burden of a Day, I knew exactly what I was going to hear when I … Read more
Every once in awhile I use the Internet's greatest invention, Youtube, to get a feel for a band by either watching live performances or perhaps a music video if one is provided. Fort Wayne's Saints Never Surrender had a low budget video in which they show the band eating at Taco Bell, someone two-stepping everywhere, and some live footage where … Read more
Sacramento's Stars are Falling are yet another in long line of bands coming out of California and inking a deal with Blood & Ink Records, an imprint of Facedown Records. So you basically know what you are going to get here even before you listen to it. Yup, you guessed it more Jesus loving metalcore that today's sleeveless t-shirt camo … Read more
Is this what you kids call "screamo" nowadays? I don't know and I don't care. As far as I'm concerned all music should be split into two genres: the one I like and the one I don't. This album would then fall under the second category, well the first band at least. The album is a split between two bands: … Read more
Yeah, I can get behind this. Speedy, straightforward hardcore punk with some youth crew influences and breakdowns. Sound like your thing? If so, I'd recommend peeping Ten 33's Nightmare on Grace St. or at least add them on Myspace or something. With eleven songs in just over 20 minutes, the record has no real flaws. Hell, it doesn't have time … Read more
Christian hardcore isn't exactly my thing but I was willing to give The Red Baron's debut album, My First Love, a fair, unbiased listen only to find out that the record is everything I'd fear it would be: preachy, generic and forgettable. What we have here is twelve tracks of straight-edge and Christian-inspired hardcore songs where the band isn't afraid … Read more
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