A lot of my friends feel they have a duty to recommend me music. I don't mean to sound conceited, but I'm quite an educated individual when it comes to music of multiple genres. So when a friend suggests something to me, it's more often than not something I've already heard. But if I do have a weak spot in … Read more
For Oceansize, 2004 has been quite a delightful year. The band saw the re-release of their debut full-length, Effloresce, here in the US as well as a mini-tour that followed. They were able to conquer our fair country despite the geographical distance from their home. And with the most recent release of their new EP, Music for Nurses, they are … Read more
Those familiar with Sufjan Stevens or The Polyphonic Spree might recognize Annie Clark for her accompaniment to their most recent tours and discs. Earlier this year the multitalented indie rock darling released her first solo LP under the stage name St. Vincent. Like the aforementioned bands, Clark pushes forward her fair share of quirks in the triumphant debut that is … Read more
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