What's wrong with more of the same, especially when what you've got is solid? If you're dating Scarlett Johansson, is Demi Moore really an improvement? Unfortunately, Black Cross' newest, Severance Pays, makes me question my acceptance of change and long for their days as a four-piece. With Evan Paterson's move from bass to guitar, Black Cross seems to have moved … Read more
Where the hell have you been for the last four years Black Cross? The circumstances that have hampered this woefully underrated band need not be espoused because it really does not make a difference; the fact remains that Severance Pays has been a long time coming, and thankfully it hits in ways that are completely unexpected and leaves a definite … Read more
Coliseum's Goddamage EP must be listened to in order to be believed. Hell, looking at the cover art, one has to know what to expect. That is not to say that the record is so obvious. The cover simply represents the mood and salvo of sound on the record completely, even down to the faux sticker on the back: "As … Read more
Anyone educated in the Louisville family tree of hardcore punk bands - Coliseum, Breather Resist, Young Widows, Black Cross, etc - already knows what to expect from Prideswallower, the latest Kentucky export. But for the unfamiliar, allow me to explain: While each band has a sound unique enough to stand on its own, there is a unifying thread to all. … Read more
Pusher hails from Louisville and features an impressive cast of ex-members as Steve Sindoni (vocals) comes to the band after handling vocals in Breather Resist and Matt Jaha (drums) comes from his former drumming duties in Black Cross and Coliseum. Unfortunately this release is a posthumous document of a short-lived group that just could not keep it together, but at … Read more
There are certain times when I enjoy championing bands, and Young Widows' cause is definitely one that I find myself really enjoying. This split, their latest recording and first since 2006's Settle Down City, is something that I have been waiting for since I last saw them play when the band performed some new material for the first time in … Read more
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