Reviews of: Brainworms

2 total reviews


Which is Worse
Rorschach (2007)

Brainworms hail from Richmond, VA, a city with a rich hardcore/punk history. So it's not a surprise that the members of Brainworms have made waves with several other bands. Which is Worse combines up the band's original demo and cassette only release Is it Weird? Musically, Brainworms is teetering on the line between hardcore and indie rock, so I guess … Read more


II: Swear to Me
Rorschach (2009)

There is a caustic, angry, and somewhat aimless feel permeating Swear to Me that convinces me that Brainworms is a good name for the band. They remind me of a lot of 80s punk where the band does one dissonant thing while the singer goes off into his own world. Every so often the two different styles converge, bringing a … Read more