Boy Sets Fire – Tomorrow Comes Today — Wind-Up, 2003
The best way I can sum up my sentiments for this record is by saying that this is a Boy Sets Fire record, while at the same time, is definitely not a Boy Sets Fire record. It's basically the same band as before, but they've traded some of their post-hardcore sound for a sound that fits in more with the likes of the bands like Default. The hardcore charged guitar work has now been predominantly replaced with radio rock chord progressions, it's really too bad. Even the vocal melodies sound derivative of lame modern rock. Imagine Boy Sets Fire's sound on the After the Eulogy record, take away some hardcore, throw in some Creed, and take away some of the good songwriting found on that record, and you'll have Tomorrow Comes Today. They used to be a lot more daring band, they've lose that, and it hurts this record a lot.
I used to have Boy Sets Fire's After the Eulogy. I thought it was good at the time, but in retrospect, it was pretty awful. I thought I'd give them a second chance by reviewing this CD.
Bad Idea.
Since BSF signed to a major and claimed they'd never sell out or change their music, they were, for the most part, telling the truth. Their music didn't change all that much, but that's not a good thing. This band leads whatever genre they are a part of (is it emo-core these days?), but that doesn't make them good.
Shane is right about the percentages, it's 98% for group A and 2% for group B, but it's reversed. Bands that sign to majors usually change their music. AFI did (they sound like Tool), Sparta did (they sound bad, period), Mars Volta will (but they still sound good after they changed their music), Papa Roach did, etc. It's not as if they WANT to change their music, but the recording studios are different. Boy Sets Fire didn't change their sound too much, but they weren't good to start with. This sounds like After the Eulogy (if AtE was worse than it already is), but performed by Creed.
Simply put: I don't recommend this.
Whenever a band signs to a major label(or in this case, the closest thing to) you always have naysayers who say, "Oh they are so going to change their sound. Sell outs." Well in 98% of cases, that is wrong. Welcome to the 2%.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not calling BSF sellouts. Not at all. What I am saying is that their new record sucks. By sucks, I mean really sucks. The first song you'll see yourself saying, "Ok this sounds like a song off of After the Eulogy that was left off for the right reason." Then the guitar riff of the second song kicks in. "Umm, what?" Then the chorus. Yeah guys, awesome work. When awesome means no. Then that makes no sense, like the progression BSF has taken. The "piano" breakdown only adds to the questionability of this band these days. I thought "Timothy" from the After the Eulogy re-release was terrible. Should of realized that was their sound now.
"Full Color Guilt" keeps the radio-rock onslaught a moving. This song is just too much. The next song is "Bathory's Sainthood." When did Tool get in my cd player? "Handful of Redemption" you might remember from the Tiger Woods Golf 2003 for your favorite next-gen video game system. Why they put such a crappy song in such a great game is anyones guess. "High Wire Escape Artist" you might remember from Daredevil. Why they put such a crappy song in such a crappy movie...wait nevermind. Score guys. The hidden song on this record sounds like it was written by Rocking Horse Winner. Not a good thing when played by Boysetsfire.
I think I have said enough about this record. More than enough actually. I think I wrote this much just to say, "stay they hell away from this record." If you think I might be wrong, go ahead and buy it. You'll quickly find out who was wrong.
Boy Sets Fire – Tomorrow Comes Today — Wind-Up, 2003
The Misery Index: Notes from the Plague Years
Equal Vision (2006)
In 2001 Boy Sets Fire recorded an album that many consider to be the band's finest hour, After the Eulogy, for Victory Records. The band was becoming bigger and bigger, and were ultimately snatched up by major label Wind-Up Records in 2002. The following year brought an EP, Live for Today, a teaser for an upcoming full length. Later that …
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