It's pretty easy to play in a doom/black/death metal band: depending on the style either play extremely fast or extremely slow, and, again depending on style, make your recordings sound like they were either recorded inside a garbage can or in a muddy swamp. Because of this, it also makes to be easy to mediocre playing in such a genre. Since their isn't a lot of variation in the genre a band has to be really special to stick out.
Unfortunately this is not the case with Blutch, whose full length Materia fall far below being anything worth remembering. The album's main problem is the constant shift in style, often a jerky transition between black metal played so fast its hard to distinguish how many notes they're actually playing to ultra sludgy doom played so slow and low its hard to distinguish if they're even playing more than a single note.
Not bad, but simply not worth the time it takes to listen to the album. You're better off checking out anything off Southern Lord.