I like Between the Buried and Me, a lot. But The Anatomy of is a perfect example of a covers album gone bad. I really like the idea of paying homage to the bands that inspired you to play in the first place, but there is a productive way to go about doing that and there is also a filler-creating … Read more
It's hard to describe the nature of Between the Buried and Me's new project, The Parallax. It is kind of like a double album, except not quite. It's divided into two releases, an EP and a future full-length album, that together tell a story about...well, honestly, I'm not quite certain. It's written pretty obtusely. But that certainly won't stop me … Read more
Following 2011s “precursor” style EP, The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues, Between the Buried and Me (hereafter known as BTBAM because it’s way easier to type) continue their foray into ever increasing curiosity. Whilst personally I’ve never been a hugely into this band - they always seemed to err just on the wrong side of pretentious wanker territory - The Parallax II: … Read more
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