Baroness have been one of music's best kept secrets. With the release of their first record, an EP titled First last year, some ears began to perk up and some eyes were opened. Now, with their sophomore effort, Second, everybody who is anybody has taken notice to this Georgia band who are looking to take the metal scene by storm. … Read more
Forget everything that you have heard from or about Baroness to this point in your life; even their split record with Unpersons (A Grey Sigh in a Flower Husk) earlier this year does not prepare you enough for the dramatic leap that they throw at you with The Red Album. Baroness effectively rewrite their place in the current musical maelstrom … Read more
Much like their previous full-length, Red Album, Baroness' follow-up, Blue Record has been hyped quite a bit by the metal community. Red Album saw Baroness go in a very interesting direction as they shifted away from the straight-up heaviness of their EPs to a more drawn out and atmospheric sound, while still holding onto their sludge roots. Regardless, Red Album … Read more
When a band decides (yes, the band, not you and your fanboy mates) to make a little change in their musical approach and try out something new, a couple of things happen. Aforementioned fanboys get up in arms and take to the internet in droves or have the same conversation with different people over and over and over again about … Read more
Through their career, Baroness has spawned a series of excellent works. From their early Mastodon-ian EPs to the evolution of their own unique sound with Red Album and Blue Record and the adventurous routes that led to the release of their most ambitious work Yellow & Green, the band has remained a constant force in heavy music. A horrendous accident … Read more
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