Hailing from Wisconsin, Arms Aloft are quite a surprise with their 7" debut Comfort at Any Cost. This four-song EP follows up a demo recording released last year. The four-piece outfit have concocted an upbeat mixture of punk and rock and roll. Arms Aloft has a definite Hot Water Music sound, but with a bit more of a rock feel … Read more
When I speak of a “Kiss of Death” sound, I don’t mean it derisively. What I do mean is poppy song structures with powerfully belted lead vocals and strong guitars. It’s pop-punk, but with a little extra torque under it and maybe a secret passion for melodic hardcore buried somewhere in their basement cd piles from the early 2000s. Arms … Read more
Midtempo punk sounds like such a boring idea.And sometimes it really is.But when it works, it’s hard to top. The chords are still powerful and concise, the frustration and fury still present, but it’s more tempered when the tempo drops down a bit and more powerful when it rises to the top. The vocals need to sneer and snarl instead … Read more
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