The Canary That Named The Stars

Independent (2021) Robert Miklos (Piro)

Antinode – The Canary That Named The Stars cover artwork
Antinode – The Canary That Named The Stars — Independent, 2021

I’m always up and ready for some good prog, especially when we’re looking at a concept piece. I’m tempted to say something along the lines of ‘they don’t make’em like they used to’, but we’re talking about music, not audiophile grade consumer electronics so that doesn’t ring true. It’s just that these days you have to dig further and deeper for gems.

As I happened upon Antinode’s debut record, I didn’t really know what to expect. Of course, my mind was set on engaging and intricate song structures, but not much else, as the umbrella term which ‘prog’ is, has become increasingly vague over the past couple of decades.

The band’s debut, The Canary That Named The Stars, a three track EP spanning nearly half an hour, gives us more than a proper look into the minds of these musicians. I’d say the packaging is really good, as both the title and especially the album art kind of lulled me in.

After several listens, I can definitely say that I’m enjoying what’s going on here and I’m looking forward to see where the band heads as there’s plenty of potential to work with. Sure, it’s not a perfect record, but really, very very few debuts manage to be wholly outstanding, with a similar amount being like The Canary That Named The Stars, well above average with lots of promise. Let’s hope the band capitalizes on their qualities and continues fleshing out their vision.

I’m not (yet) sold on the concept itself, the narrative, and the lyrics, but they’re a decent fit with the tunes at hand. Maybe we’ll need a few more records to weigh in appropriately over that end. I do have to add that the narrative quality of the music and its overall flow are very well executed and definitely carry the charge that’s necessary for the storytelling type of prog which this wants to be. It’s also not something overbearing or too cheesy, as such concept records tend to veer into that kind of territory sometimes.

I can definitely tell that Antinode have a strong penchant for older prog. There are strong hints and elements reminiscent of late 60s, 70s, and early 80s prog which are instantly recognizable. I think this transpires the most through the organ tones and their particular timing through the songs. I don’t mind that as it doesn’t feel like it’s a mindless rehash or blind infatuation towards said influence. There are plenty of modern elements and ornaments scattered throughout, neatly woven into the backbone of the record, in order to offer an authentic and organic experience.

One of the things that just doesn’t click with me are the vocals. Not their delivery per se, but rather the tone and timbre of the vocalist as it lays over the rest of the music. There’s something oddly eclectic in there, bordering on dissonant which sort of rags on the overall feeling of the music. Take this with a boulder of salt, because it’s not something that’s literally amiss with the music, it just doesn’t work with how I like my prog. I expected something more along the lines of the dude from Karnivool, to offer an example.

The songs melt neatly into each other, offering a unitary whole kind of vibe, where you’re really compelled to listen to the album as a single entity, rather than a disjointed selection of songs. I’m not particularly fond of certain choruses and their repetitions, but as motifs they ground and legitimize the rest of the things going on, while creating an anchor for the listener as well. Although, I really love everything else. There’s plenty of fun to be had, with dynamics and density ranging from smooth and loose to packed and highly energetic.

I can definitely say that The Canary That Named The Stars has a very good balance in all its aspects, sticking true to the progressive moniker behind it, but staying progressive only within the area of rock. I’d love to see the band further expand in the future with instrumentation and non-western influences, which would only further broaden the aim and scope of its prog leaning.

While the production is surprisingly good for an underground debut, it does feel like it could’ve left the record on the louder side. It’s not an issue, not by a long shot as I didn’t need to max out my rig to get it at a good listening volume. The part I think I loved the most was how the band decided to give a proper spotlight to the bass. I love everything about how the bass stands in the mix and in the composition. More bands should take notes on this aspect. I don’t really have anything else to point out on this end, it’s pretty solid overall.

Antinode is one of a fair deal of bands I can recall in recent memory which have a promising start, who I managed to catch at their very beginning. So, it’s going to be an interesting trip seeing as to where they head over time. I definitely recommend this as a good staple of modern progressive music, so go listen to them.

Antinode – The Canary That Named The Stars cover artwork
Antinode – The Canary That Named The Stars — Independent, 2021


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