A Swarm of the Sun
The King of Everything

Independent (2007) Guido

A Swarm of the Sun – The King of Everything cover artwork
A Swarm of the Sun – The King of Everything — Independent, 2007

A Swarm of the Sun delivers with The King of Everything a dark, brooding EP that sounds as if the chasms of hell have opened or, better said, are about to open. If one expects the chasms of hell to be filled with power metal and/or gay metal like Manowar; then one is wrong.

The King of Everything is subtle, powerful, and emotionally haunting, even if the band sounds like many a band we've heard before. Of course, this is not in the sense of A Swarm of the Sun blatantly ripping off other artists Tool - but in the sense that we've heard this kind of music before. Still, this Swedish band manages to evolve within the EP, eventually leading up to a sound their own. "Refuge" and "King of Everything" sound aggressive. "A Mind But Not a Mouth," an instrumental only track reminiscent of a repetitive and more chilled out Infected Mushrooms is followed by "The Grip," which has a silent, calm and almost sad vibe. "An Animal in the Shape of God" is the same story as with "A Mind But Not a Mouth." The King of Everything ends with "I Fear the End," which forms a worthy and climatic end to the EP, if only because the band finally seems to settle on a sound of their own.

The King of Everything is solidly produced and it is obvious that it is an album that has been crafted with care. Still, when it is time for me to make a judgment, I remain opinionated that A Swarm of the Sun reminds me of Tool breeding with Neurosis and is, although not completely original, a haunting and solid EP. Good enough to make one curious for more, yet too standard to be memorable. The EP does bode well for the future and it has, which is always a good thing, rekindled my interest in the post-metal genre. I salute A Swarm of the Sun for this.

7.0 / 10Guido • July 19, 2007

See also

Tool, Neurosis, Progressive-Metal, Post-Metal

A Swarm of the Sun – The King of Everything cover artwork
A Swarm of the Sun – The King of Everything — Independent, 2007


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