New Writers Are Always Welcome
Are you passionate about music and have opinions to share? Do you want to contribute to the scene but don’t quite know how? Consider writing for us.
We’re always on the lookout for motivated new staff to join the team. We’re both collaborative and hands-off at Scene Point Blank. What does that mean? We will work to make sure SPB fits what you’re looking for. Want to have a say in upcoming features and work with others? Great! Want to review records without interacting with others? We’re down with that too.
SPB is a webzine dedicated to independent music. We cover punk, hardcore, DIY, arty noise, experimental heavy stuff, metal, indie, and all other styles. We’re rooted in the punk community but we understand the cultural and artistic overlap beyond genre confines and, frankly, think most of those labels are limiting instead of descriptive.
Is there an application?
Send an email to [email protected] if you’d like to write for us. We seek enthusiastic music fans who have time and motivation to contribute regularly. Please send us the following and we’ll get back to you soon.
1. A list of your top 10 records from the past year.
2. A short paragraph about why you’d like to write for us.
3. A sample review of 300-400 words.
Don’t think of it as an application. Think of it as a speed dating getting-to-know-you.
Every musician should write in their own voice, and so should you.
We’ll let you write in your own style. We have few limits on what can/cannot be covered and a couple basic items for consistency, but we’re always looking for new ideas and new ways to say them.
What if I’m not into album reviews but I want to contribute?
Send us an email to the address above. Sure, we want reviews. But there’s a lot more to a website in the 2020s. We’re interested in interviews, concert reviews, music industry insight, photography and other ways that fans connect with music. Maybe you’re really into music but would rather write one-liners on Twitter than 400 word reviews.
In the end, our goal is to share what music means to us. Reviews are one way, but they aren’t the only way.