
General info

Scene Point Blank is a music-based webzine that originated in March 2003. For more info on the site's history, check out the 'About' page.

Who do I send promo albums to?!

Glad you asked! SPB accepts either digital or physical promo copies of records. Please include the release date and a press sheet or contact info. Items must be released within the past 12 months. We only review represses or reissues if there is new material or new packaging.

These can be sent to the following address:

Scene Point Blank
c/o Loren Green
5624 35th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55417

If you'd prefer to send your promos digitally, we accept these too - email [email protected]. Promos sent directly to staff instead of this address may not be routed appropriately. We do not review one-song digital-only singles and we prefer that you do not send attachments in your submissions.

What about other questions and details?

If you need to contact a specific staff member, look at their profile page and you can contact them on the address listed there. Otherwise, use the addresses below:

Other pages

About Scene Point Blank

We don’t just review music, we listen. It’s not hard to find new music today. What is hard is finding what’s right for you amid the clutter. Scene Point Blank, established in 2003, is a webzine devoted to independent music. We’re rooted in punk and hardcore, but we don’t believe in limiting our musical tastes. We cover a variety of … Read more

Promo Submissions

Scene Point Blank is a webzine, established in 2003 and 100 percent independent ever since. We have reviewed more than 5000 records so far. We cover punk, hardcore, indie, metal, and more. Music motivates us, giving more joy during life’s highs and providing escape through the lowpoints. While SPB doesn’t subscribe to strict genre limitations (and we often find them … Read more

Site History

Scene Point Blank is a music webzine founded in March 2003 by four individuals on the AFI messageboard. The site initially began with a focus on hardcore/punk but has since expanded in its seven-years-and-counting history to cover indie, metal, doom, hip-hop, pop, and more. One of the site's early goals to set it apart from competitors was our "multiple author" … Read more

Staff Vacancies

New Writers Are Always Welcome Are you passionate about music and have opinions to share? Do you want to contribute to the scene but don’t quite know how? Consider writing for us. We’re always on the lookout for motivated new staff to join the team. We’re both collaborative and hands-off at Scene Point Blank. What does that mean? We will … Read more


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