Jangle-pop duo Beloved Binge has announced the upcoming release of their seventh album, Godwit. The band is sharing the album as a series of 11 singles throughout 2024-2025.
Having previously shared “Awaiting your arrival for the journey” from the new album, they now introduce a second single, “Epipen,” along with a video below, described as a song about troubled relationships.
"Interacting in relationships -- romantic or not -- can feel like experiencing an allergy attack that needs reversing. This song, for anyone who struggles in relationships, is about the human desire to communicate and failure to do so," says Eleni (drums/keys), partnering with Rob (bass/guitar) to comprise the duo.
While the song is about communication failure, the band masterfully alternate vocals and harmonize in tandem in the two-minute track, with an explorative tempo that highlights the journey of the narrator.
The album is named after the bar-tailed godwit, a migratory bird that absorbs their own organs as they fly, a greater metaphor for the album overall:
Godwit explores whether we tiny creatures navigating a world beyond our control can (rather than devouring the world for pleasure) find internal sustenance to sustain our individual and collective migrations?
The duo is currently based in Athens, Greece since 2022, formerly living in Durham, NC, Seattle, WA, New York, NY and Philadelphia, PA.