The 2017 documentary Parallel Planes, directed by Nicole Wegner, is now streaming YouTube. The film follows 12 American musicians across varied genres, focusong on independence in music. The twelve disciples of the film are Michael Gira of Swans, Mick Barr of Orthrelm, Justin Pearson of The Locust + Swing Kids, Ian MacKaye of Minor Threat + Fugazi, Valentine Falcon of Get Hustle, Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu, Anna Barie of These Are Powers, Weasel Walter of Flying Luttenbachers, Jenny Hoyston of Erase Errataof , Alap Momin of Dälek, Greg Saunier of Deerhoof, and Otto von Schirach.
Find it on YouTube, or just watch the embed after the bump. The entire film is roughly 100 minutes.