To battle unrest while people are trapped indoors during the Covid-19 pandemic, NOFX have released a new video to the song "I Hate You More Than I Hate Me," the first in a series of new matieral the band plans to share.
Check it out below.
To battle unrest while people are trapped indoors during the Covid-19 pandemic, NOFX have released a new video to the song "I Hate You More Than I Hate Me," the first in a series of new matieral the band plans to share.
Check it out below.
This record is honestly kind of painful. It’s meant to be, too. It’s about depression, drug abuse, death and all kinds of dark material. And it works on that level, but it’s also painful because the NOFX sound puts Fat Mike’s vocals so front-and-center in everything: It’s like watching somebody standing under a spotlight while hitting rock bottom. The lyrics … Read more
NOFX: The Hepatitis Bathtub and Other Stories is a comprehensive autobiography from one of the world’s most prominent punk bands that worked its way up. New aficionados as well as die-hard long time followers will discover new and interesting facts via the stories of counterfeiting, murder, terminal illness, suicide, addiction, riots, bondage, the Yakuza, and drinking urine and the other … Read more
It’s probably been a decade (maybe two) since anyone reviewed a NOFX record without starting out by talking about “knowing what to expect.” The band has their sound down pat and I’ll spare them the skatepunk adjectives except to say that new LP First Ditch Effort doesn’t change it up. The only shift here, if it is one, is that … Read more
Mad Caddies SPB: Was the mic’ing of the horns in the studio different for Punk Rocksteady than on “traditional” Mad Caddies records? Mad Caddies: The mic and position always changes depending on the horn sound. Punk Rocksteady was mostly close miking. On older records the room mics played a bigger … Read more
Jesse Sendejas (Days N Daze) SPB: Is there a special technique you use to optimize the sound of your banjo when playing clubs? Sendejas: It's just me layering instruments in the recordings so we've only actually had a banjo player play with us live a handful of times, and usually … Read more
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