Corrections House, a collective featuring members of Eyehategod, Neurosis, and more, have announced a rare 19-date run of tour dates. The band consists of Mike IX Williams (Eyehategod), Scott Kelly (Neurosis), Sanford Parker (Nachtmystium) and Bruce Lamont (Yakuza), and the tour dates will be accompanied with solo sets from varied members. Dates are listed below.
1/21/2013 Saint Vitus Bar - Brooklyn, NY
1/22/2013 Great Scott - Boston, MA
1/23/2013 BAR - New Haven, CT
1/24/2013 Metro Gallery - Baltimore, MD
1/25/2013 DC9 - Washington, DC
1/26/2013 Strange Matter - Richmond, VA
1/27/2013 -- Kings Barcade -- Raleigh, NC
1/28/2013 The Atlantic - Gainesville, FL
1/30/2013 Churchill -- s - Miami, FL
1/31/2013 Crowbar - Tampa, FL
2/02/2013 Bottletree - Birmingham, AL
2/06/2013 Siberia - New Orleans, LA
2/07/2013 Rudyyards - Houston, TX
2/08/2013 Korova - San Antonio, TX
2/09/2013 Red 7 - Austin, TX
2/10/2013 Bryan Street Tavern - Dallas, TX
2/11/2013 Opolis -- Norman, OK
2/13/2013 Slowdown - Omaha, NE
2/15/2013 Moon Room - Denver, CO