The Arrivals will be taking Toys That Kill out on a short tour through the Midwest at the end of May in support of their most recently released album, Volatile Molotov.
05/27 -- Minneapolis,Minnesota @ the Triple Rock w/ the Marked Men,Toys That Kill, and Soviettes
05/28 -- Chicago,Illinois @ the Empty Bottle w/ the Marked Men,Toys That Kill,This is My Fist and Chinese Telephones
05/30 -- St Louis, Missouri @ El Lenador w/Toys That
Kill, Humanoids and Shaved Women
05/31 -- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma @ the Conservatory w/
Toys That Kill, Roustabouts & the Needlepoints
06/02 -- Austin,TX @ Red 7 w/ the Spits,High Tension
Wires,TV Ghost (Chaos in Tejas)