The Plot regrets to inform you, beautiful Plot-heads worldwide, that this fall tour will be the final chapter in the Plot's history together. We will be completing this tour and a final San Diego show (not Oct. 12th) and then disbanding. A seven-song mini LP, "Saviours & Suckers", will be released posthumously by ThreeOneG. Over the course of the last five years we have accomplished and exceeded every goal we had set out to accomplish. We saw the world, and in the process made half of it fall in love with us and the other half wish us dead. We released records that will surely be regarded as classics in the years to come. We made life long friends in faraway places. Perhaps most importantly, four best friends watched each other grow from boys to men. Please attend the shows on this upcoming tour as it will be your last chance to see the Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower. Thank you all dearly from the bottom of our hearts.