In addition to our regular Monday posting of new reviews, we've got an extra 6 Halloween themed reviews and extra blog posts now live.
Thanks to Andy for the extra work.
In addition to our regular Monday posting of new reviews, we've got an extra 6 Halloween themed reviews and extra blog posts now live.
Thanks to Andy for the extra work.
Scott Wilkinson SPB: Who's your dream interviewee? Wilkinson: Well that's a tough question, years ago it would have been George Harrison but due to unforeseen circumstances that can't be arranged (unless you have some pull Loren). I think now it would be Peter Gabriel. My main interest in him would … Read more
Spyros Stasis SPB: (How) Has work in sound engineering affected your music tastes and/or reviewing? Spyros Stasis: It has not affected so much my outlook on the quality of the production, so it does not mean that when I cannot listen to the old Darkthrone albums anymore. I still consider … Read more
Andy SPB: How much does the music you listen to shape you as a person - is it difficult to separate yourself from the music, or is it who you are, etc. Andy: My taste in music has evolved and expanded greatly over time, and to some extent, I am … Read more
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