Held March 20-21 in Houthalen Belgium, Crossbone Fest 2015 is taking shape. The two day punk/thrash/garage/hardcore festival includes camping and will feature Chixdiggit, Houseboat, Priceduikes, Great Cynics, Murderburgers, and more.
Held March 20-21 in Houthalen Belgium, Crossbone Fest 2015 is taking shape. The two day punk/thrash/garage/hardcore festival includes camping and will feature Chixdiggit, Houseboat, Priceduikes, Great Cynics, Murderburgers, and more.
Calling their fourth record Posi is an interesting statement about Great Cynic’s vibe across the 11-song, half-hour record. From lyrics about being the clouds and listening to the birds to others that proclaim “what makes you special,” this is posi-punk, music that’s uplifting in an overtly cynical music scene. Hell, see the band’s name for reference.It’s not to say it’s … Read more
Naming a record I Feel Weird is a statement about the psyche of Great Cynics, and an applicable one at that (for the band, not necessarily the members). The band’s third record, it wavers between melodic pop punk with digressions into exploratory indie-alt rock. What that means in real English is that they play punk-ish songs with a lot of … Read more
SPB: What do you think of bands playing albums-in-full as a tour concept? Great Cynics: We think it's great! If it's a celebration of that album then more power to them. It's always strange going back to something you did in the past. You realise how much you've changed as … Read more
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