Capitol Records will be releasing a collection of Radiohead hits titled Radiohead: The Best Of on June 3rd. The release will contain seventeen tracks and also come in a special two-disc version with thirteen additional tracks. A four-LP vinyl version will also be available. The tracklisting for the album is as follows:
Disc 1 1. Just 2. Paranoid Android 3. Karma Police 4. Creep 5. No Surprises 6. High and Dry 7. My Iron Lung 8. There There 9. Lucky 10. Optimistic 11. Fake Plastic Trees 12. Idioteque 13. 2+2 = 5 14. The Bends 15. Pyramid Song 16. Street Spirit (Fade Out) 17. Everything In Its Right Place Disc 2 1. Airbag 2. I Might Be Wrong 3. Go To Sleep 4. Let Down 5. Planet Telex 6. Exit Music (For A Film) 7. The National Anthem 8. Knives Out 9. Talk Show Host 10. You 11. Anyone Can Play Guitar 12. How To Disappear Completely 13. True Love Waits (Live)