1990s Colorado band Angel Hair will soon release a discography via Three One G, Insect Immortality.
Sharing commonalities in sound with Heroin, Antioch Arrow, Swing Kids, Clikitat Ikatowi and Mohinder, the band included guitarists Andy Arahood (Red Sparowes) and Josh Hughes (The VSS, Pleasure Forever, Rabbits, SSOLD), bassist Todd Corbett (Stiffwhiff), drummer Paul Iannacito (Generalissimo), and vocalist Sonny Kay (The VSS, Year Future, Mind Rider). The new collection will release on limited vinyl on Jan. 12, as well as digital playforms.
The band says:
Insect Immortality combines nearly all our previous releases, certainly all the ones worth hearing. Most were recorded by Gravity's Matt Anderson in San Diego in a variety of DIY spaces and setups, none of which would qualify as a studio per se. They were recorded quickly, mixed immediately, and often available on tour less than 2 months later. It was an incredible time in our lives and those recordings really do capture the energy and momentum of what we were creating. But three decades later, after our ears and minds have evolved along with technology, it became evident at some point that all the music we released could be made to sound much better. Thanks to Matt's foresight and diligence, obtaining the original masters wasn't difficult. We handed them over to Pete Lyman, a giant in the mastering world, and our old chum from Boulder, present at the first and last Angel Hair shows and many in between. Pete remixed the tracks from our 12" and most of the EP's from the ground up, and the difference is huge. These songs have never sounded so intense and everyone in the band is very well represented.