The two artists named above, also known for playing together in Fear Falls Burning and Final, will release their debut LP as duo Loud As Giants, Empty Homes, on April 28 via Consouling Sounds.
The 4-song drone and post-rock inspired project is described as "like a trip down memory lane," with Serries noting: "Loud As Giants is our collaboration not to invent new music but just to bring together the music we grew up with, were/are inspired by and we just like to do ourselves."
The pandemic, of course, played a role in its creation. “I love isolation, but only when chosen by me, but I love the night, again, empty streets, quiet, I feel like I can exist then. I hate mornings; I hate low sunlight. It immediately depresses me. This album for me embodies a world I personally feel happier in.” Broadrick explains.
Track list:
1. Monument
2. Estranged
3. Room Three
4. Isolation