Originally released in 1982, GISM's Detestation is set for an official reissue courtest of Relapse Records. The reissue will appear on Dec. 4 on LP, CD and cassette, including a deluxe package that comes with a 7" of rare honus tracks and the first band merch that's authorizes outside of Japan (and Roadburn 2016).
The influential grorup formed in 1981 in Tokyo and -- symolizing their unique approach -- continually changed names but never changed the GISM acronym, going by titles that included God In the Schizoid Mind, Guerrilla Incendiary Sabotage Mutineer, General Imperialism Social Murder, Gnostic Idiosyncrasy Sonic Militant, and Gai Individual Social Mean.
Detestation was originally released on Dogma Records in 1984. Read more about the group's influence -- and a review of an art collection by founding member Sakevi Yokoyama. Detestation is currently available on streaming and download platforms.
Endless Blockades For The Pussyfooter
Death Agonies And Screams
A.B.C. Weapons
Document One
(Tere Their) Syphilitic Vaginas To Pieces
Nuclear Armed Hogs
Shoot To Kill (Bonus Track)
原水禁 (Anti Atomic And Hydrogen Bombs) (Bonus Track)
Choke (Bonus Track)