Nightmare Scenario, the fifth of six full-length releases from New Bomb Turks, has been reissued as a "Diamond Edition" for its 20th anniversary. Originally released in 2000, the Jim Diamond-recorded record was originally partially mixed by Jeff Graham. For the anniversary, the band went back to Diamond's originals.
Lance Forth explains:
Lo and behold, they were even more ripping and burning and stinging than remembered. There was the 20th birthday idea, screamin’ like a brat! So here you have the original mixes of Nightmare Scenario that Jim Diamond finished in November 1999, ensconced deep in his legendary, now torn-down Detroit digs. Ain’t saying it’s better than the original, just leaner and meaner. But don’t take our word for it – take yours when you’re screamin’ along too!
Overall, the new edition features unheard mixes, remastered tracks, and a bonus song. All proceeds will be donated to Black Queer & Intersectional Collective and Columbus Freedom Fund. It releases on Aug. 7.