A new song is streaming from the upcoming debut album by NYT LIV, Ensomhedens Kolde Kald. The album will release on May 3 on Indisciplinarian. The band comes from Copenhagen, Denmark and play socially-conscious melodic hardcore. Watch a video for "Blodet Skygger" online.
NYT LIV Tour Dates:
3/22/2019 Hotel Cecil - Copenhagen, DK w/ Cancer Bats (sold out)
5/03/2019 Spot Festival - Aarhus, DK - Spot Metal w/ Baest, Orm, LLNN, Xenoblight
Ensomhedens Kolde Kald Track Listing:
1. Kniven
2. Blodet Skygger
3. Aske Og Blod
4. Fortidens Tæsk
5. Det Skal Du Nok Blive
6. Løgne
7. Stille Ikke Død
8. Ingen Fast Form
9. Farvel Til Fornuften
10. Lys