Parasight, from COpenhagen, Denmart, will release their second LP At Leve Som Hvis Der Var Et Håb on March 9 through Indisciplinarian and Modstand Records. Overall, the band has a previous full-length, a 1", and split 7" and 12" releases.
No Echo is streaming "Bløder Blod" off the new LP now.
At Leve Som Hvis Der Var Et Håb Track Listing:
1. Bløder Blod
2. De Skyder
3. Kødet Er Dødt
4. Alt Falder Sammen
5. Grådigheden Selv
6. Sulten I Seng
7. Du Glemt
8. Alt Er Noget Lort
9. ...Som Hvis Er Var Et Håb
10. Håbløst
3/09/2018 Musikcafeen - Copenhagen, DK @ Huset Hardcore