Hellkeeper have debuted the song "Drown" from their upcoming A World Within Flesh album.
The album releases on April 7.
Track list:
1) Obscure
2) Drown
3) Henbane
4) Species
5) Quietus
6) Winter
7) Cycle
8) Threadbare
9) Simulacrum
Hellkeeper have debuted the song "Drown" from their upcoming A World Within Flesh album.
The album releases on April 7.
Track list:
1) Obscure
2) Drown
3) Henbane
4) Species
5) Quietus
6) Winter
7) Cycle
8) Threadbare
9) Simulacrum
Terry Orlando (Hellkeeper) SPB: If you had the choice, which song of yours would you want to hear covered by another artist? By whom? Orlando: First off I'd like to say that this was a really hard question for us because we all have fairly different ears for our own … Read more
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