Cheap Girls will soon release a rarities and B-sides collection titled God's Ex-Wife, with a release date set for Sept. 16 on Asian Man Records.
The band released Famous Graves in 2014.
Cheap Girls will soon release a rarities and B-sides collection titled God's Ex-Wife, with a release date set for Sept. 16 on Asian Man Records.
The band released Famous Graves in 2014.
It takes approximately 30 seconds to decide whether or not Cheap Girls’ latest album, Giant Orange, is to your liking. The overall, upbeat feel of the album is firmly established within the first few lines of “Gone All Summer,” instantly pulling you into the downtrodden world of bassist/vocalist Ian Graham and co. and not letting up once throughout. Combined with … Read more
Lizzie Killian (Teens in Trouble - vocals/guitar/songwriter) SPB: You’re in North Carolina, but work closely with Asian Man Records in the CA Bay Area, right? How did you get so involved with the label, given the distance between you? Killian: I'm actually from San Francisco and lived in California most … Read more
The Abruptors SPB: Who is your favorite band/artist you discovered on your last tour? Mike & Toni: I think we're going with The Filthy Radicals: high-energy ska punk. A real treat to watch and hang out with! Read more
The Atom Age SPB: What do you listen to in the van/who decides? The Atom Age: We have a standing rule of absolute silence in the van. This allows each of us to do as we please, listen to tunes on headphones, sleep, ponder, or weep. Having no music in … Read more
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