NOVEMBER 27, 2015
1. Gibbons Awoken
2. Sleepy Doni
3. Funky Magus
4. Rock and Roll Huey Long
5. Designer Feelings
6. Gingerbread Man
7. Dancing In The Piglight
8. Only Like
NOVEMBER 27, 2015
1. Gibbons Awoken
2. Sleepy Doni
3. Funky Magus
4. Rock and Roll Huey Long
5. Designer Feelings
6. Gingerbread Man
7. Dancing In The Piglight
8. Only Like
Daniel Pujol is prolific and ever changing. The leader of Pujol continues to release records at a rapid pace, successfully switching up his backing sounds in the process. While early material was a lot more garage in style, the overall tone on Kludge is quirky and rock-based, but it ranges from sauntering slower material (“Spooky Scary”) to minimalist electropop (“Small … Read more
Pujol seemed like an odd pairing with Saddle Creek when I first heard of the signing last year. In 2011, the band released X File on Main Street a surprise find that got me interested not only in the band, but in the Nashville scene as a whole, playing lo-fi garage rock with a rough, dirty edge. Well, United States … Read more
There’s no wasting time on X File on Main St. Within the first few lines, singer Daniel Pujol has taken his stance on careers, art, children, and life in general. I don’t know much, if anything, about his previous acts Meemaw and Saigon Baby, but Pujol plays noisy, stripped down garage that celebrates a DIY punk ethic. His vocals are … Read more
Daniel Pujol (Pujol) SPB: If you could re-record one song, what would it be? Pujol: Honestly, any song of mine I feel has been inadequately captured or presented I will try to rerecord. Or remix. Or record live. There is usually a high level of intent going into a composition, … Read more
Here at Scene Point Blank, a lot of records show up in the ol’ inbox. Needless to say, many don’t get the attention they deserve (and some get more). I can’t remember what first appealed about Pujol, but I invested my attention in reviewing X File on Main Street and … Read more
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