A nwe song from Fucking Invincible's debut LP, It'll Get Worse Before It Gets Better, is now on Lambgoat. The band includes former and current members of Daughters, Dropdead, Soul Control, Sweet Jesus and others.
It will release July 15 via Atomic Action! Records.
It'll Get Worse Before It Gets Better** Track Listing:*
1. Not What You Are
2. Dead Dogs
3. Ape as Man/Man as Ape
4. All Good Things...
5. The Brotherhood of Unfulfilled Early Promise
6. Josephine
7. Why Keep Score
8. The World Keeps Turning
9. By Proxy
10. Inconsistent and Indifferent
11. Followed By The Sea
12. Open All Night
13. Progress Trap
14. Nothing, No One
7/11/2014 AS220 - Providence, RI *Record Release Show w/ World Is Shit, Wokling