In case the last four releases from Guided By Voices haven't beer enough for fans, the group's Robert Pollard will be releasing a solo album, Honey Locust Honky Tonk, out on July 9 on the band's own GBV Inc.
The thirty-four minute record consists of 17 songs--for a full track listing, hit the jump.
Honey Locust Honky Tonk LP Tracklisting
01. He Requested Things
02. Circus Green Machine
03. Strange And Pretty Day
04. Suit Minus The Middle
05. Drawing A Picture
06. Who Buries The Undertaker
07. She Hides In Black
08. Her Eyes Play Tricks On The Camera
09. Find A Word
10. I Have To Drink
11. Flash Gordon Style
12. Igloo Hearts
13. Shielding Whatever Needs You
14. I Killed A Man Who Looks Like You
15. Real Fun Is No One's Monopoly
16. It Disappears In The Least Likely Hands (We May Never Not Know)
17. Airs