Jonathan Bates, aka Big Black Delta, is streaming his newest single, "Side of the Road", over at MTV Hive. You can listen to the vaguely trance-like electronica noise-pop track here.
Jonathan Bates, aka Big Black Delta, is streaming his newest single, "Side of the Road", over at MTV Hive. You can listen to the vaguely trance-like electronica noise-pop track here.
Jonathan Bates is quickly becoming a musician who can't be ignored. Working under the moniker Big Black Delta, Bates has created some incessantly (and confusingly) catchy releases whose quality demands attention. What's more, his latest release, 2013's eponymous Big Black Delta, is his best offering yet.The album is still confusing for a couple of reasons, not the least of which … Read more
Jonathan Bates, aka Big Black Delta, made me entirely rethink what pop music could be last year with the release of his incredible debut, BBDLP1. He took the standard pop music formula and twisted it so far on its head that I'm pretty sure it exited from its own ass, and I mean that as a true compliment. It was … Read more
How the hell do you take a genre as overworked as pop music and make it interesting? If your name happens to be Jonathan Bates, then you do this “by purposefully doing everything slightly wrong.” The result is his debut album, Big Black Delta's BBDLP1.This stems mainly from Bates's insistence on mixing styles in ways that don't always make sense. … Read more
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