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Anal C*nt Detail New LP

Posted by Jon E. on December 21, 2010

Anal C*nt Detail New LP
Anal C*nt Detail New LP

Official press release:

Fans of strippers, hard drugs, punk rock production and cock rock douchebaggery, rejoice: The one and (thankfully) only Anal Cunt have returned with a spankin' new album, and this time around, they're shooting to thrill (instead of just horrifically maim).

They're here to fuck your girlfriend, steal your drugs, piss in your whiskey, and above all, ROCK!

Seth Putnam & Co. love themselves a good theme (remember their acoustic abomination Picnic of Love?), and this time around, they channel Sunset Strip scumbags like Motley Crue and Ratt to bring you a rock'n'roll nightmare fueled by their preferred cocktail of sex, violence, and unbridled disgust. From ripping off the Crue's cover art to the massive hard rock riffs of "Hot Girls on the Road," "I'm Gonna Give You AIDS," and "Fuck Yeah!" and tender ballad "I Wish My Dealer Was Open," Fuckin' A is an instant scuzz rock classic.

Fuckin' A will be released on January 11th, 2011, and promises to kick off the New Year with one hell of a bang. The record will be distributed by Patac Records (USA) and Trendkill Entertainment (Europe), and will first be available on CD (and include a signed copy of the now-infamous "Seth Putnam's heroin blowjob" photo). An expanded vinyl version will be released later this spring, and the band are already plotting North American and European live actions for 2011!

Anal Cunt have been shocking, appalling, and causing grievous bodily harm to audiences all over the world since 1988, peddling their ultraviolent noise-riddled grindcore and giving birth to some of the most hilarious (and hideously offensive) song titles in heavy metal history. Like GG Allin and the Dwarves before them, Anal Cunt practice what they preach, gleefully embracing their own degeneracy and weathering an endless storm of drug busts, jail time, riots, controversy, and a drug-induced coma with two middle fingers aloft. Love them or hate them - they don't give a fuck either way.

Tracklisting is after the jump and the album covefr can be viewed above.

Track listing for Fuckin' A:

01. Fuck Yeah
02. Crankin' My Bands Demo On A Box At The Beach
03. Loudest Stereo
04. Kickin' Your Ass And Fuckin' Your Bitch
05. Hot Girls On The Road
06. Whiskey, Coke And Sluts
07. All I Give A Fuck About Is Sex
08. I'm Gonna Give You AIDS
09. Yay! It's Pink!
10. I Wish My Dealer Was Open

Anal C*nt Detail New LP
Anal C*nt Detail New LP

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