Keelhaul will be releasing their new full-length effort, titled Keelhaul's Triumphant Return to Obscurity, on August 18th via Hydra Head Records. The album is the band's first since 2004's Subject to Change Without Notice. The tracklisting to the new album is as follows:
1. Pass the Lampshade 2. Glorious Car Activities 3. Everything's a Napkin 4. High Seas Viking Eulogy 5. THC for One 6. The Subtle Sound of an Empty Milkshake 7. El Matador 8. Kirby Wurm 9. Bandolero de Perros De Maiz 10. Waiting for the Moon to Speak 11. Brady's Lament 12. KFB
Two songs from the album can be streamed here. Meanwhile a free download of "Pass the Lampshade" has been posted here.