News / Records
Brand New Provide Album Update

Posted by Michael on December 23, 2008

Brand New provided an update on the status of their follow-up to 2006's The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me. Here is what the band offered up:

Dear Friends, The combination of the holidays and the inclement weather has set a bit of nostalgia upon me. Remember when we used to give you updates more often? Anyway...It has come to my attention that Brand New has basically been off tour for almost a year now. So here is your annual festive goings on: We have all been in the studio on and off since about March. The convenience of recording around the corner has been great, but sometimes a little too comfortable setting. During 2008, we have rounded up some some pre-pro, some real-pro,and some semi-pro material. There are about 15 songs for us to play around with and it seems as though things are winding down and in the final stages. We cannot exactly tell you when this record will be done, but we can tell you that the new year will bring a bit more excitement from our side of things. We are fully aware of how long we were gone last time, and are not planning on staying home much longer. Perhaps when it gets a bit warmer out…we will begin to introduce a new website that will bring you endless amounts of entertaining information. We have also talked about playing some new music together. Outside of the dungeon. Which means maybe...YOU will be able to listen to some of our new music also. maybe. Until then, we wanted to let everyone know that we are alive and well. Still writing, recording, and frustrated with the lack of blood in mortal kombat vs. dc. Thank you all for coming to the random Brand New shows scattered throughout the year, as well as Jesse's shows. Any support for Brand New is appreciated, and we are all forever thankful. More to come in the new year. Have a safe and happy rest of 2008, and hope to see everyone soon!

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