Ted Leo & The Pharmacists recently recorded a four-song EP in response to the police activity in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area surrounding the recent Repulbican National Convention. The band recorded two new songs, "Paranoia: Never Enough" and "Mourning In America," plus two cover tunes, "I Got Your Number" (originally by Cock Sparrer) and "Nobody's Driving" (Amebix). These four tracks comprise Rapid Response, released to bring awareness and financial aid to the people affected by the police brutality in Minnesota. The EP is available now for an exclusive two-week window via Touch & Go Records with other donation options available for those who would like to contribute an additional amount. After the two week period, Rapid Response will be available for single track purchase at online retailers. All proceeds from this EP will go directly to Food Not Bombs Minneapolis, Democracy Now, and the legal fees for those who have been arrested.