It's been brought to my attention that we really haven't made any real attempt on getting concise info out about what we have been up to since the new year has begun. So here goes. This should give you a bit of an idea. We started out writing new material in Jupiter 4 Studios during the first few weeks of January. Jupiter 4 is the studio owned and run by Ken Schalk and his brother Steve Schalk. We used the time there to write as much music as we could come up with. We then tracked drums there to about 16 different songs/peices of music. We also used this time after the drums were tracked to work out vocal ideas and let Carley do scratch tracks. From there we took the recorded drums and went to see our old friend Mike Barile over at Purple Light Studios. We have always loved working with Mike and we new that we were going to get the sounds we wanted if we recorded with him. The combination of his gear and the gear we own is just phenomenal for what we are trying to accomplish. We spent the next few weeks recording all of the bass and guitar tracks. Then allowed Carley some more time to work on more vocal ideas and lay down some more scratch tracks to see where we was at with all of the songs. And that friends is where we are at today. We move on to the real vocal sessions in a week or so. And from there we are in the home stretch. I think there is a great chance of this record seeing an early summer release.