As we near Halloween, we're also beginning to hear rumblings of year end music talk. Florida-based label Paper + Plastick is sharing free music on that theme, with the label giving away a 2020 sampler with a 9 song collection of material from the label's releases this year.
Up next from Paper + Plastick is an album from The Inevitables. The comp also includes material by After the Fall, Sunliner, Protagonist and more via Spotify and Apple Music.
“Ft. Lauderdale” – The Inevitables
“Lifetimes” – Versive
“Generation Lost” – Protagonist
“Panic Attacks” – After The Fall
“Voldin (She Lied)” – Rebel Spies!
“Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” – Round Eye
“Structure” - Sunliner
“Mortuary” - Rutterkin
“Mexico” – JM Lansdowne
Pictured: Sunliner