Absolutepunk is streaming the new album from Alcoa. Bone and Marrow, led by singer/songwriter Derek Archabault (Defeater) was recently released.
Absolutepunk is streaming the new album from Alcoa. Bone and Marrow, led by singer/songwriter Derek Archabault (Defeater) was recently released.
Nathan Gray (solo, Boysetsfire) SPB: Can you like a musician whose politics you disagree with? Gray: Can you? Yes. Should you? Well, that is up to the individual. There are many hymns that I rather enjoy, but do not agree at all with the content. I am also not a … Read more
War on Women SPB: Basements or bars (or both)? War on Women: That's like asking “day or night,” “loud or quiet,” “happy or sad.” You can't appreciate one without the other, regardless of preference. But no one has ever chipped their tooth moshing to us in a bar...but a guy … Read more
Alex (Silver Snakes) SPB: Who was your favorite band that you discovered on your last tour? Alex: My favorite band I discovered on our last tour is Third Seven. We were playing our last show with HRVRD at The Launchpad in Albuquerque, NM and I was captivated by the music … Read more
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