Invisible Oranges is streaming the self-titled debut from At a Loss's Burnt Books. The Columbia, South Carolina group will soon kick off a tour with Whores, ASH, Nuclear Blast Suntan, and more.
2/15/2013 Skuds Manor - Augusta, GA w/ Nuclear Blast Suntan
2/16/2013 New Brookland Tavern - West Columbia, SC w/ Nuclear Blast Suntan, Deathstill, Nailbiter
2/17/2013 The Sweat Lodge - Rock Hill, SC (Charlotte, area) w/ Nailbiter, Thick Skin, Last Words
3/01/2013 TBA
3/02/2013 Art Bar - Columbia, SC w/ Nuclear Blast Suntan
3/14/2013 New Brookland Tavern - West Columbia, SC w/ Old Lines
3/15/2013 The Basement - Atlanta, GA w/ Whores, Old Lines
3/16/2013 The Underground - Chapel Hill, NC w/ Old Lines
3/24/2013 The Farm - Athens, GA w/ Shaved Christ, Iron Lung