Filter is promoting Descendents' frontman Milo turning 50 years old with a downloadable album of 13 covers. Among the bands on the comp are Good Riddance, The Bronx, and Mike Watt & the Secondmissingmen.
Filter is promoting Descendents' frontman Milo turning 50 years old with a downloadable album of 13 covers. Among the bands on the comp are Good Riddance, The Bronx, and Mike Watt & the Secondmissingmen.
While I like new Descendents, their older stuff always had an intangible bite to it. The new stuff feels more sarcastic while their earlier material was pissed off underneath that playful disposition. And that’s what you get on 9th & Walnut which is billed as the band’s eighth studio album, though the timeline is more complicated than that. All 18 … Read more
Peace in Our Time is an album that seemed like it was never going to be released. Good Riddance's breakup in 2007 appeared to be final. Younger listeners such as myself, who discovered the band around this time, had to come to terms with never hearing new music from the band nor having the opportunity to see them perform live. … Read more
When we last left The Bronx, they were masquerading as their alter ego with the release of a second album under the Mariachi El Bronx moniker. This second helping of mariachi-style tunes confirmed that the venture was far from a gimmick. It also gave the band an opportunity to embrace their obvious love for the more melodious side of music. … Read more
Russ (Good Riddance) SPB: What do you remember of playing your first live show? Russ: I remember it being euphoric, the sense of watching people move and go crazy to the music my band was playing. We weren’t very good at our instruments then, but it didn’t seem to matter. … Read more
Like its 12 predecessors, Fest 13 offered something new. The growing festival has made a mark in the DIY punk community in its layout, booking, and overall feel and, while it has a certain brand and stylistic focus, the 350+ band event is also able to shapeshift annually, sprouting new … Read more
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