It is a shame when a band like Brothers goes unnoticed. This five-piece outfit hails from Michigan and Black Friday is their debut offering. The album is filled with eleven hardcore songs just begging for you to sing-along to. The opening combo of "Beginnings" and "The War at Home" kick things off with fast-paced hardcore akin to Comeback Kid and … Read more
The Blood Brothers are one of those bands that can get you into shit with people. Not that anyone should have to appease anyone else with his or her musical interests and fancies. But, lets be honest, there is a very pronounced dividing line between people who enjoy The Blood Brothers and people who detest them. One reason for such … Read more
When it comes to The Blood Brothers, you could call me a fan boy. Everything they've released (minus Rumors Laid Waste which I won't count) keeps progressing, keeping me on my toes. With This Adultery Is Ripe, The Blood Brothers were able to release some of the most energetic music without constraining themselves to a single genre. March On Electric … Read more
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